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Who Calls On All Countries To Switch To Safe Syringes By 2020

2018-10-30 Author: Views: 0

Safe injection is an important public health issue, but the risk of disease transmission is still high in 16 billion injections worldwide every year.

The World Health Organization recently released the WHO guidelines for intramuscular, intradermal and subcutaneous injection of medical safety syringes (hereinafter referred to as the guidelines), calling for the global adoption of "smart" safety syringes to solve the widespread unsafe injection problem around the world, and urging countries to fully switch to "smart" safety syringes by 2020.

Unsafe injection is likely to cause infection in patients. Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and HIV are the most vulnerable to infection in unsafe injection. According to who data, the number of hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and AIDS virus infected by unsafe injections in 2010 was about 1 million 700 thousand, 315 thousand and 33800 respectively.


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